Actually I can tell a lot about a person by looking at handwriting because the summer I turned 10 I was (a big doofus? still playing with Barbies? dreaming I'd grow up to look like Olivia Newton John only with bigger boobs?) obsessed with graphology - otherwise known as handwriting analysis.

Then I bugged all my friends and everyone in my family for handwriting samples and proceeded to analyze them and give them each individual and detailed personality assessments based on my vast expert knowledge. I'm sure it wasn't annoying at all.

The graphology book I once treasured is long since gone, and I have come to realize that many real experts think that handwriting analysis is a bunch of hooey, but here are some generalizations of the craft that I vaguely remember and if anybody out there thinks the items in the bullet points below are incorrect, I was too lazy to verify most of this stuff, so you are probably right. It's all from memory and I smoked a lot of pot and ate a few toadstools in the late 80's:
- Large writing = obnoxious bastard
- Small writing = a shut in
- Writing tends to slant downward = the person is generally a bummer
- Writing tends to slant upward = Pollyanna
- Legible writing = nun
- Illegible writing = whackjob
- Writing that is extremely neat and tidy = serial killer
- Words spaced far apart = jackass - the person thinks what they have to say is very important

- I have a cat
- My lower case R's look like V's
- I cook a lot
- I eat fairly healthy
- I like Mexican food
- Sometimes I buy cake
So what...you're saying I'm an obnoxious bastard, do-gooder whack job?
...that's actually impressive! :)
What it actually says is "I was weaned on tequila".
Veg - Hey Babe, I didn't invent graphology - I just comb meaning from it. Actually, even though the science of it is questionable I usually find it to be fairly accurate. But then again the same could be said of horoscopes.
that's too funny. right now, what you can tell about me from the writing on my lists, is that I have to pay my bills, and I sometimes wear a wig on Halloween that needs to be returned to its rightful owner. Wow. That's pretty neat!
I have actually lost the ability to write in cursive sine my job has demanded I type all the time and print in log books for most of my life.
Can you give me a printing analysis? I will send you a sample on a page out of my Big Chief tablet.
My take away from your list is what time do I stop by for pork chops?
Churlita - it's uncanny what you can pick up about people isn't it?
Skydad - Dude, I'm sorry but you missed the pork chops - it was last month (so now you know how long it's been since I swept the floor in the office) and they were fabulous. I made schnitzel with them (AKA chicken fried steak) and served with potato and cheese pierogies. Next time.
As a kid I considered myself a Junior Encyclopedia Brown so what I get out of your handwriting is that you eat a lot of romaine, which explains the need for all that toilet paper.
Analyze this: I hold my pen/pencil incorrectly. Maybe I need to take a picture of that sometime, if I can fight the shame off.
Even if you're a serial killer, I really admire your handwriting. I might be a cross between a nun and a whacko.
Who writes in cursive except for third graders? I don't know why schools bother teaching kids cursive these days, except to keep graphologists employed. Damned graphologist lobby.
Gwen - you should be jealous of my very healthy colon - My BM's are a thing of beauty. Also even before I discovered the glory of a high fiber diet I was famous for never running out of toilet paper.
WendyB - Interesting - With actually seeing what you mean by improper utensil holding I'm inclined to want to look at the pressure applied - like too light would mean you are non committal and breezy and too heavy is akin to grinding your teeth in your sleep - means you swallow your stress but it comes when you torture your pen and paper.
Tara - you are exactly right - I'm all prissy and like things done properly but I'm a nutball at heart.
Kirby - I haven't seen anything handwritten that wasn't printed since elementary school. I think it's a lost art, but I'm not sure I care enough to take up the cause to save it. Who gives a shit - if your kid learns to type they'll be allright.
It is really amazing that you can actually tell a lot about a person because of his handwriting. Handwriting shows really the personality of the individual. Some say handwriting shows information about a person. It’s like a background check that is being implemented by some companies.
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