I'm not very good with whaddya call 'ems? Oh, yes (had to go running to MDH for the word) acronyms and abbreviations which is kind of a dangerous thing for someone working in IT.
Right there, I - T
What the hell does that stand for anyway? Idiot Typing. Idle Tapeworm. Internet Tranny. Introverted Timebomb.
Just kidding! I know that it stands for Information Technology, but to be perfectly honest, sometimes I forget.
Anyhoo... My new job is riddled with so many acronyms and abbreviations I can hardly keep track of them all.
Regardless, somehow I'm doing really well and the person who has been training me says that I've caught on more quickly than anyone else in the department, and as a result they have given me even more responsibilities.
I think they either haven't noticed or don't care that I don't know what the hell anything is called. I'm trying so very hard to learn the lingo, and although the powers that be at my new place of work seem to be impressed with my amazing skills and abilities a typical conversation overheard at my cubicle might sound like this:
Me: I found a discrepancy between the O-F-Whoosie Whatsis thingy and the M-F ing B-L-T
My coworker: The Manufacturing Lead Time?
Me: Yeah, that.
My coworker: How'd you get BLT out of that?
Me: I'm hungry M-F'er.
ByTheWay - Please enjoy the artful cartoon above, courtesy of my friend Playtah.