Many air kisses are going out to Renaissance Woman for perking me up by tagging me to share 6 non important things/habits/quirks about yourself. .
2. I think it sounds really trite when people say "I love him/her to death". What the fuck is that supposed to mean anyway? In my mind it's just a way of qualifying that you're not an asshole because it always seems to be followed by "but" and then something not so nice. Just say the not so nice thing and I'll figure out on my own whether or not you "love" the person anyway and are an asshole for saying the not so nice thing about them.
4. I love oranges and grapefruits. My mom sends me big boxes of them from the fruit stand near her house in Florida a few times a year. Right now I'm working my way through a box of Honey Bells she sent last week. I eat 2 at a sitting, but I'm a little bummed out because my right thumbnail broke down to the quick the other day and that is my orange peeling nail.
5. I realized yesterday, to my astonishment, that I had gone an entire week and not eaten or drank (drunk? whatever.) anything with sugar in it. It wasn't something I intentionally set out to do but I just haven't had a sweet tooth (and still don't). It probably has a lot to do with the Honey Bells and perhaps is the reason why when I weighed myself this morning I found I've lost 2 lbs.
6. It bums me out when a raindrop or a drip from an awning or something lands directly on my head, right in the middle of where I part my hair, and then just rolls around on my scalp.
Trust me, freezers with ice makers are not all that they are cracked up to be.
I think "I love you to death" means "I baked you a batch of arsenic cookies. They come from the heart."
Sorry I shouted, but I loathe it. It's so cold and shocking and then tickles. GAH!
Silver - we used to have one at the old house, but didn't realize it was hooked up an usable until about a month before we moved.
WendyB - where the hell are you??! Do you have a new blog somewhere else darling? I miss you!
Gwen - exactly - GAH!
You are hilarious! What's worse than breaking your orange peeling nail is when you get a papercut on your orange peeling finger. Oh the agony and it will only be helped to put ice on it. Which will only help if the husband would refill the trays. It's a hard knocks life!
We gave up on the icemaker because it was always broken and making noise. We got a refrigerator that has standard trays in it.
The ice thing makes me crazy. When I go to other people's houses that I know have ice trays I empty their ice trays (usually there's something to put the ice in that is empty) and then refill them. Mostly I do this at my in-laws' house but I will do it anywhere. Gotta have my ice!
After looking death in the face and spitting on it, I now try to refrain from phrases like "I love ___ to death", or "I'm dying to try this", or even, "Laugh? I thought I'd die".
Superstitious? Nutty? Probably. Who cares?
I've never met anyone who had such an affinity for watches. I almost never wear one - most of the time I only wear it to hide a tattoo when I have a particularly professional thing to attend...
I always regret trimming my thumbnails, because those are the ones that help peel the fruit.
Oh and I'm with you on the empty ice trays. If you use the last cube, fill the tray back up, damn it!
I solve the fingernail problem by never eating fruit. Of course, that led to scurvy, so now I can't really eat anything not in liquid shake form.
hehe i hate the single rain drop thing, but when my head is shaved, i love rain to pour down on it. i hate a little bit of rain, but if i'm out and about and its going to rain, i want it to pour down on me like there is no tomorrow. if you're going to get caught in the rain, you might as well smile about it and think 'hey, things could be a lot worse'
I completely sympathize on the watch thing; I'd have had to buy a new one too. I also have to wear one to bed if I'm in a hotel or at my sister's or mother's houses (they don't have clocks in their spare rooms) because I cannot bear to wake up in the middle of the night and not know what time it is.
hahah, one of the best meme's I've read. I think it's very unique to find someone who wears a watch to bed...I must admit, I love my watch but when I get home I always take it off and leave it in stupid places and then go days without wearing it until I find it underneath books or something..
and I love oranges too! big fat ones, they are heaven with peel.
Shame on you, meme whore! I'm a big-time meme prude.
LOL - 'orange peeling nail'
I am envious that you just lost 2 pound without even trying. My sweet tooth is alive and well.
""I love him/her to death".
That phrase always makes me think of those "Fatal Attraction" type movies.
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