Oh, I'm still the same old me. Still throwing internal tantrums at the supermarket checkout and spending too much money on shoes and personal hygiene products, but I'm somewhat new and improved. Since returning back to work my skin has cleared up (probably from all that daily washing I'm doing now), I have lost 9 lbs and I could swear that my step contains a trace of a swagger, although that could be because of all the cute new shoes I bought to "smarten up my work wardrobe".
Anyhoo... I missed you. As in you my blog and you my blogger friends in blogger world. According to my Google Reader I have 375 unread blog posts. I'll try my best to get caught up on all the important things that have been going on in your lives, but holy jesus you people are wordy so probably not, but I'll try.
Meanwhile I hope all of you are enjoying Spring as much as MDH and I have been.
Now here's some pictures of some new shit I bought to replace some old shit that I was either bored with and/or was falling apart and now that I'm back to work can afford to replace without running it by MDH first. I always have trouble justifying these kinds of purchases with MDH who believes that you should never buy anything new until the old thing breaks or is no longer usable and that's just crazy talk. Also I feel I should mention that somehow this rule doesn't seem to apply to electronics such as DVD players and stereo equipment.
It doesn't really matter because I don't ever listen to him or care what he thinks and simply buy whatever the hell I want anyway. If we lived by his standard our house would look like the set of Sanford and Son.
Ah, nothing says Spring quite like a new shower curtain. Am I right or am I right?Our old kitchen floor runner had pretty much disappeared under a 22"x84" rectangle of matted cat fur, pine needles and cookie crumbs...
It seems slightly ridiculous to replace the flatware organizer tray, but the old one was too small and slid all around the place. Besides it was another one of those holdover things from MDH's previous marriage. This flatware organizer try is mine - all mine. It fits perfectly in the drawer and now there's a proper spot for my cow head and ass corn holders and my monkey jazz band canape knives.
The battery has been dying on my old iPod and I couldn't stand the thought of waiting until it fully died so I bought myself a new iPod Touch. The 32GB one. Oh yes I did. I love it and pet it and call it George. You can look at it, but don't touch it.
Nice! I just bought a new rug for our bedroom, and I'm ridiculously pleased every time I see it.
I was just wondering last night what ever happened to the great Lunchlady! Glad to see you back... I wonder if people are thinking the same about my scarce blogging as well... hmm.
I must say, I know exactly how it feels to [a] rely on the cable box clock and [b] want a new silverware tray. Seriously, I want one that costs like $20. Someday.
And just last night, I bought the nicest pair of dress shoes I've ever had... so perfectly fit, they require a shoe horn. I feel so mature. See how many things we have in common!? :D
I tried to surprise my wife with a brand spankin new cutlery tray, since the old one was from when we moved in together some 28 years ago.
She would have nothing to do with it, since it didn't have the necessary small holder just above the narrow holders but not all the way up to the top holder.
She tells me this as she glares at me like I have purchased a roadkill possum to put in the silverware drawer...
Marriage is wonderful, nice to have you back.
It's fun to have you back. I love the new "shit" and can't wait to see more.
eeeee!!! you're back..but I'm not..just yet..anyway..Your hot, new stuff is nice(does that sound dirty?).
I bought an iPhone and felt bad about it for a month..but I'm over it now..he's just so..SEXY..ha!
My battery just went out on my old iPod but I can't afford to buy a new one. I still can't believe what a pain in the ass it is just to replace a battery in one of those things. OY.
Nice stuff! Amazing how small changes can have such a big impact.
My kid is having the same exact problem with his Ipod and wants to replace it with that new fangled thing you've got in your hands there. He's going to have to mow a lot of lawns to earn that much cash.
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
Very happy to come to your blog, Christmas is coming, I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Very happy to come to your blog, Christmas is coming, I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Very happy to come to your blog, Christmas is coming, I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Very happy to come to your blog, Christmas is coming, I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Very happy to come to your blog, Christmas is coming, I wish you a Merry Christmas!
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