Born out of my growing disgust with Twitter, Facebook and our culture's increasing desire to constantly know and share all the mundane and intimate details of our everyday minutiae comes my brilliant idea for a new social networking website called "Shitter" where members share and trade comments about the color, texture and content their various bowel movements.
I'll write a real post tomorrow. Hope you're having a great Saturday!
I'll be the first to not sign up!
That reminds me of my now 9 year old idea for Famous Anus. Except now everyone is famous.
Interestingly, I only comment on your blog while sitting on the crapper... ;^)
Smell the tweets.
You can only start this once smell-o-vision has been invented.
I'm so stressed out this week, my "Shitter" commments would've at least been interesting and diverse. And often.
Smell you later.
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